Post Tagged with: "wonder donkey"

Zen and the art of donkey maintenance
The blog / The journey

Zen and the art of donkey maintenance

It’s a very long time since I lived so much in the moment, probably not since primary school, if then. My moment extends to making sure I have some sort of supplies for breakfast, lunch and dinner tomorrow, maps for the next week, a very vague idea of the next […]

The life and times of Chico
The blog / The journey

The life and times of Chico

I’ve got Chico’s passport onboard, getting a bit raggedy and regularly doused in rainwater now, and it has the address where he was born on it. It’s in Rhyl, a town with a bit of a rough reputation on the north coast of Wales, and we happened to be passing […]

A map! Give us a map!
The blog / The journey

A map! Give us a map!

May I apologise for the woeful lack of visual aid on this travel blog? It’s rubbish, unforgivable, and entirely Google’s fault, and maybe partly Apple’s. Any time I have a spare bit of phone battery, decent enough internet connection, and a couple of brain cells that haven’t withered in the […]

Chico the wonder donkey
The journey

Chico the wonder donkey

All hail Chico, keen as mustard! He is truly an impressive creature, and I am just so amazed by his rate of learning. Once upon a time, about two weeks ago, he was scared of manhole covers and the giant white letters that say ARAF SLOW in the road. He’s […]