The blog / The journey
on June 1, 2013 at 8:42 am ×
I had to stop my mum referring to herself as Chico’s grandmother when she came round with treats from her allotment, and got him all excited by running around the field with him – he is not a child, he is a donkey. I am aiming to be his buddy, […]
Plans / The blog
on May 11, 2013 at 9:04 am ×
I have been the owner of an animal for ten days, and he is still alive. But there are nevertheless a fairly regular number of things that could kill him. This week, so far, massive territorial horses, and rain. The massive horses were my own stupid fault. I had seen […]
Plans / The blog
on April 29, 2013 at 11:46 am ×
Wet, is the answer. I am blinkered when it comes to weather – maybe everyone is. If I’m packing for a trip, I only pack stuff that matches the weather as I’m packing. So, although a little grizzly, it was very useful that yesterday it rained all the way through […]
Plans / The blog
on April 8, 2013 at 11:25 am ×
I woke up in a bit of a panic again, fresh from a dream about a beautiful dark brown speedy donkey that walked almost faster than me, but that I couldn’t have. We’re well into April now and I still have no definite donkey. I wanted to set off at […]
The blog / The journey
on February 1, 2013 at 1:41 pm ×
I’m going to walk a thousand miles this summer. That fact makes me feel unequivocally good. I’ve walked 200 miles before, on the coast-to-coast path across Cumbria and Yorkshire (read about that here, if you like). It took two weeks, and we figured out – my walking buddy, Sarah*, and […]