After the walk / Philosophising / The blog
on May 13, 2014 at 9:23 pm ×
A man called Tim is currently camping next to a slightly bemused Chico, in a field full of flowers and sunshine, high above Aberystwyth. This morning there were some vigorous rainstorms and he was lying in his tent reading Celtic prayers, and noticed how many of them mention shelter. “It’s […]
After the walk / Philosophising
on May 1, 2014 at 9:58 am ×
Two years ago today I got the overwhelming honour of seeing a baby born. I was the very first person to see the damp, dark hair of the truly superb little soul who has since become Lois, at 1.40am, in the gentle, dark, womblike surrounds of Lewisham Birth Centre. I […]
After the walk / Philosophising
on April 25, 2014 at 9:36 am ×
A few days ago a woman from the Telegraph called me to ask what I thought of Bear Grylls’s new TV series, which is currently in post production. Apparently a bunch of ‘lost blokes’ were taken to a desert island to ascertain whether modern man can still work out how […]
After the walk / Philosophising / The blog
on January 21, 2014 at 4:52 pm ×
Living outdoors so quickly puts everything in perspective. It reminds me what is precious and important (people, time, landscapes, muscles, chatting, simplicity, lunch) and what is extraneous and best cut down or cut out (commuting, labour-saving devices, clutter, morbid news stories, jetfuel, landfill, women’s magazines) . It strikes me as […]