After the walk / Further adventures / Philosophising / Wild Baby

Wild Baby – a new film!

I made a new film! It’s a shortie, just right for an afternoon tea break. It’s really very safe for work – no swearing at runaway donkeys, no crying (well, quite a lot actually, but not done by me for a change), no epic dirt-encrusted walk. Just the quiet struggle to still do stuff despite having a baby and a giant abdominal scar.

Close watchers of the blog and Facebook page might remember that this happened a year ago, when I borrowed a handmade, 1970s bicycle sidecar, and attempted to hit the road in the Peak District. Here’s the whole story, plus more lovely local Welsh soundtrack. Enjoy!


Wild Baby

(… or ‘Having a baby doesn’t change anything. Does it?’)

Hannah was determined not to let a new baby get in the way of her itchy desire for adventures, but little Osian was about to teach her how to go adventuring on a micro scale.

With too much luggage to carry, a bike they couldn’t use, and in the middle of a national park they couldn’t explore, the two found themselves slumped in the verge, and it was there, among the flowers and the bees, that Hannah began to discover what sort of adventure Osh wanted to have.

Made by Fforest Films
Editor: Destina Bartley

Producers: Hannah Engelkamp and Rhys Thwaites-Jones
Music: Toby Hay, Jacob Blaidd, The Treehouse Project
Thanks to: Rod and Lisa at



  1. Hannah it’s a lovely, funny film. I really like the way you show us everything including howling baby.. You will get your life back but forever changed in an amazing way. I’ll never forget first meeting you with chico walking through sedate Penarth..

  2. Sandra DeSimone says:

    Hannah, you are awesome and I love this new adventure of yours!

  3. Sandy Piper says:

    Hannah, that’s a great little video. Just read your book, made me giggle a lot – in all the right places I think. I have dreams of journeying alongside an equine of some kind, but not sure I will manage it, and if I do I might have to aim for somwhere less rainy as I’m not a hardcore welsh woman! Well done for all of it. Inspiring.

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